
I've always loved singing especially with my old friend Richard in Coyote Bleux.  My background in ensemble chorale music began with  "The Festival Of Light And Song" and more recently with the "Cambridge Christmas Revels". These productions have given me a love and appreciation of harmony and what it takes to make it work. I was an early convert from Rock 'n Roll to folk music back in the 70's when I traded my electric bass for an acoustic Alverez which I still play to this day.Love that acoustic sound and it blended well with my passion for Celtic music, a major reason why I moved to New England from Michigan.


This CD,"Kipappella", represents my Celtic side.  In addition to performing Scottish music as soloist with the "Strathspey and Reel Society" of New Hampshire, I made this recording with the help of many friends at Richard's studio back in 2003.  Three of the songs are my own and originally I was planning to record a solo voice project but it grew into a more full recording with tracks like "Scottish Cowboy" and "Planxty Mary Margaret".  Hope you like it, it was sure fun to make.  Enjoy!