
HI Folks, yep this is me working on some vocal track in the studio at JarmanyHillSound. During the mid nineties after Kip and I recorded "different feather" it seemed clear that the new digital audio recording format was going to change the game, I jumped in with both feet, bought a Roland 1680 recorder and began building tracks. Since those early days I have managed to produce many internet presentations plus a group of CDS I call the, "Colin Adir Series".   This set of recordings consists of four different albums, mostly keeping a folk oriented texture but at different times I did add some synth and samples, drums and bass. I have posted them for folks to give a listen, and get a closer look into what I bring to the Coyote Bleux experience. 


On this second recording of the series my understanding of the process left me time to think more on the structure of writing music and songs.  In this production, I used a song that Kip and I wrote  but hadn't recorded,"GoobyeLadyLuck",which we finally got  to on our new CD, "into the light".  This CD,"callin'again" was recorded in 2009 with my new Apple computer and Logic software which gave me a whole load of new functionality and a learning curve I wasn't sure I could climb!


This recording,"The Great Migration"is using more of a band concept for support of bigger vocals and harmony, which also brought more studio time with a bundle of track management. Fortunately the newer processors offered a level of ease in drilling down and "tweaking" tracks that I found fascinating, maybe too much.  However, it's in the mix, I hope you enjoy. This CD was edited, finished and copyrighted in 2010.


This recording, "Glad Tidings", is the final one in the "Colin Adir Series".  I brought all my experience with  writing and recording to bear on this CD.  Instead of tracks bumped together on a timeline, I inserted segues and interludes between the songs creating a flow with no breaks through the recording, it was different but I went with it.  My plan was to get back to doing another "audio drama"  and leave music recording for a while but Kip and I did a project for his wife's dad, "OldColonyLine" which led us directly into our latest project,   "into the light".  So now you have heard the rest of the story about Coyote Bleux, and my part in the combo. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the music, and be well.......Richard

The following recording, "AZTEC RIZING" is a bit different from the music above, although a song goes with this CD, it is actually a play.  This is the first in a series of stories I call "audio drama".  My work, as a soundman for TV took me to many amazing places but this story of a healer, Don Alijio, in the rain forest of Belize struck me to the core, I had to write about what I saw. Kip helped out with reading the part of the professor, friends and family helped with the rest of the read.  The new digital processors were great with building in sounds for the background effects and adding more imagery for the words.  I hope you enjoy the story.   Thanks for stopping by.........




Lana Chisholm................Denise

Ellen Kate Finley............Jinjah

Kip Ferguson.................professor

Cisco Juarez.................Carlos

Gil Martinez.................Ramone

John McCarthy................Moisis

Luis Yglesias................Don Alijio

Wesley Chisholm..............Hans

Duncan Pelletier.............Ghanoush

Marjorie Margolis...........background

Fred effects

AZTEC RIZING:     an audio drama